I'm grateful for mornings like this.
Mornings when the sun comes up to greet me with a warm smile as I leave my dreams behind. When I'm content to stay nestled in my clean white sheets until my bladder reaches its limit.
Mornings when my REM cycle ends right when my alarm goes off so as my feet hit the floor, I'm ready for the day.
I appreciate days like this when I take notice of the little things going on around me. Little things like the ants who instinctively know to build a barrier around their underground entrance. They carry one grain of sand at a time until they feel well protected and they don't stop until the job is done, and maybe not even then.
Or the birds who really are Free. They fly all around; high, low, fast and slow. All the while using the voice God gave them to sing His praises.
I can appreciate the sound of lawn mowers because I know they are part of the reason for the beautiful green spread before me.
Today I acknowledge the gift of breath in my lungs and strength in my body.
Today I will joyfully serve those around me and submit to the One who made me.
Today I will be who I was created to be and bless others as I'm able.
Today I will truly live.